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  • Corpus ID: 126945287
@inproceedings{Junior2009LENISMN, title={LENÇ{\'O}IS MARANHENSES, NORDESTE, BRASIL. EMERGING FOCUS OF TEGUMENTARY LEISHMANIASIS AROUND "PARQUE NACIONAL DOS LENÇ{\'O}IS MARANHENSES", NORTHEAST BRAZIL}, author={A. N. Assuncao Junior and Orleans Silva and Luiz P. Moraes and Fl{\'a}via Raquel and Fl{\'a}via Raquel Fernandes Nascimento and Yrla N{\'i}vea and Olivier Pereira and Jackson Maur{\'i}cio Lopes Costa and Manuel Rebelo}, year={2009}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:126945287}}
  • A. N. A. Junior, O. Silva, Manuel Rebelo
  • Published 2009
  • Geography

Antonildes N.A. Júnior, Orleans Silva, Jorge Luiz P. Moraes, Flávia Raquel F. Nascimento, Yrla Nívea O. Pereira, Jackson M.L. Costa, José Manuel M. Rebêlo Bolsista de Iniciação Científica – Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Maranhão/FAPEMA/Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFFMA; Laboratório de Entomologia e Vetores, Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA; Laboratório de Imunofisiologia, Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA; Departamento…

1 Citation

One Citation

An ecological study of sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the vicinity of Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão, Brazil
    Adalberto Alves Pereira FilhoM. C. A. Bandeira J. M. Rebêlo

    Environmental Science, Biology

  • 2015

The present results confirm the present of L. whitmani and L. longipalpis in the peridomicile of houses in Lençóis National Park and emphasize the need for a more effective and permanent supervision to control the expansion of these vectors and leishmaniasis outbreaks.

  • 23
  • PDF

16 References

Flebotomíneos (Diptera, Psychodidae) de área endêmica de leishmaniose na região dos cerrados, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil Sandflies (Diptera, Psychodidae) from an endemic leishmaniasis area in the cerrado region of the State of Maranhão, Brazil
    J. M. M. RebêloF. S. LeonardoJ. M. L. CostaYrla NíveaO. PereiraF. S. Silva

    Environmental Science, Biology

  • 1999

Ten sandfly species from the genus Lutzomyia Franca, 1924 found in the counties of Aldeias Altas, Capinzal do Norte, Caxias, Codo, Coelho Neto, Tim- biras, Timon and Tuntum in northeastern Maranhao, Brazil are presented.

  • 25
  • PDF
Estado atual da leishmaniose cutânea difusa (LCD) no Estado do Maranhão: II. aspectos epidemiológicos, clínico-evolutivos
    J. M. L. CostaA. C. R. Saldanha Antonio Rafael da Silva


  • 1992

Em todos os pacientes envolvidos no estudo, houve relato de lesao inicial nodular unica, que, posteriormente, em periodo variavel of tempo, disseminou-se adquirindo outros aspectos.

  • 39
  • PDF
Estágio atual da leishmaniose cutânea difusa (LCD) no Estado do Maranhão: I. Relato preliminar
    J. M. L. CostaA. C. R. Saldanha A. C. M. E. Silva


  • 1991

Um dado concreto sobre a existencia da leish­maniose tegumentar americana no Estado do Ma­ranhao e a referencia de Terra11 em 1913, que diz ter encontrado leishmanias em lesoes ulceradas de

  • 9
  • Highly Influential
  • PDF
Estudo comparativo da leishmaniose tegumentar americana em crianças e adolescentes procedentes das áreas endêmicas de Buriticupu (Maranhão) e Corte de Pedra (Bahia), Brasil
    J. M. L. CostaIvelise Theresa A. Balby N. D. J. Soares

    Medicine, Environmental Science

  • 1998

A comparative study on children aged 0-15 years, with American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL), in the endemic regions of Buriticupu and Corte de Pedra, whereby 214 cases were detected between 1982 and 1993, wherein no statistical difference was detected between age ratio and positivity of the test.

  • 33
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Distribuição geográfica da leishmaniose tegumentar americana no Estado do Espírito Santo - Brasil
    P. A. SessaGelcilio Coutinho Barros A. Falqueto

    Medicine, Geography

  • 1985

Analysis of the case records of 729 patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis collected from January 1972 to December 1982 permitted the authors to study the geographical distribution of this infection

  • 15
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Leishmaniose cutânea no Norte da Argentina: fatores de risco identificados num estudo caso-coorte em três municípios de Salta
    Sergio Sosa-EstaniElsa L. Segura Luis Medina Ruiz

    Medicine, Environmental Science

  • 2001

Multivariate analysis showed a significant risk for factors outside the home and while at home and this association allowed the identification of risk factors linked to the transmission of leishmaniasis in the home for the first time in Salta (Argentina).

  • 38
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Ecoepidemiologia da leishmaniose tegumentar no Município de Buriticupu, Amazônia do Maranhão, Brasil, 1996 a 1998
    L. M. MartinsJ. M. M. RebêloM. C. SantosJ. M. L. CostaAntônio Augusto Moura da SilvaL. Ferreira

    Environmental Science, Medicine

  • 2004

The distribution of leishmaniasis in the town of Buriticupu, Maranhao, Brazil, by month, season, occupation, gender, and age from 1996 to 1998 is presented, suggesting transmission in the anthropic environment.

  • 46
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Phlebotominae (Diptera: Psychodidae) de Lagoas, município de Buriticupu, Amazônia Maranhense. I - Riqueza e abundância relativa das espécies em área de colonização recente
    J. M. M. RebêloSueli Trindade de Oliveira Antônio Augusto Moura da Silva

    Environmental Science, Biology

  • 2000

The diversity and abundance of species was higher in the forest, followed by the peri and intra, and the peridomestic habit of 7.7% of the sand flies showed the greatest epidemiologic importance, due to the existence of patients with leishmaniasis ulcers who believe they were infected near their habitations.

  • 40
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Aspectos eco-epidemiológicos da leishmaniose tegumentar americana no Município
    A. A. CorteM. NozawaMaria do Carmo FerreiraMarta Gislene PignattiOsias RangelSavina S. Lacerra


  • 1996

Abstract The authors describe an outbreak of American cutaneous leishmaniasis from Febru-ary 1993 to September 1994 in the districts of Sousas and Joaquim Egidio, Campinas, Sao PauloState. Out of a

  • 11
  • Highly Influential
  • [PDF]
Epidemiology of dermal leishmaniasis in the Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    W. MayrinkPaul Williams A. L. Falcão

    Environmental Science, Medicine

    Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology

  • 1979

In the complex and confusing epidemiological situation in the Rio Doce Valley it seems unwise to apply traditional specific names to Leishmania of the area, and no species previously incriminated as vectors of mexicana and braziliensis infections in Brazil is found.

  • 139



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